Member Directory

Our Members are investing in themselves today for a stronger future tomorrow. They've demonstrated their commitment to effective leadership, management, and collaboration by becoming Members. We invite your organization to participate in the Center, too. Use the search options below to find a Member organization.
NTEE Group:

To promote, encourage and educate to end littering, improve recycling & food waste management and help to beautify New Hanover County.

New Hanover County
NTEE Group:

To provide counseling and coordination of services for the abused and neglected children of Macon County.

Macon County

Kidznotes catalyzes social change by providing comprehensive music education, leadership opportunities, and character-building experiences to children with the fewest resources and the greatest need. Our vision is to be a catalyst for change that uses music to build a thriving network of children, families and partners in which the passion for music unleashes the human potential to transform lives and communities. The foundation of our vision is our commitment to embrace and value diversity, excellence and collaboration in our daily lives.

Durham County

Kiran's mission is to end the cycle of abuse and to serve and empower South Asian victims of domestic violence in North Carolina by providing culturally specific services and comprehensive economic, social and community resources

Wake County

To advance equitable access to devices, connectivity, and technology education.

Durham County

Laertes is an independent press committed to literary translation -- to the furthering of that particular art. Our aim is also to relay works from far and wide, in any genre, that render the full human weight.

Orange County

The Land Loss Prevention Project was founded in 1982 by the North Carolina Association of Black Lawyers to curtail epidemic losses of Black owned land in North Carolina. Land Loss Prevention Project was incorporated in the state of North Carolina in 1983. The organization broadened its mission in 1993 to provide legal support and assistance to all financially distressed and limited resource farmers and landowners in North Carolina.

Land Loss Prevention Project’s advocacy for financially distressed and limited resource farmers involves action in three separate arenas: litigation, public policy, and promoting sustainable agriculture and environment.

Activity in the litigation arena typically involves debt restructuring for farmers in crisis and other legal work. On the public policy front, Land Loss Prevention Project monitors agricultural policy and the impact it has on North Carolina’s small family farmers. Finally, Land Loss Prevention Project helps family farmers and landowners develop sustainable agricultural practices that are environmentally friendly and economically viable for their rural communities. Land Loss Prevention Project is committed to working alongside state, regional and national coalitions who support sustainable agriculture practices, development and policy innovations.

It is part of Land Loss Prevention Project’s organizational strategy to integrate policy and programmatic work into the issue areas addressed in litigation.

Durham County
NTEE Group:

Latino Community Services partners with Latino families to equip children and adults to fulfill their education and economic potential, with hope for a positive and healthy future.

Forsyth County

To educate, connect, and energize leaders to serve and improve the community.

Forsyth County

LINC Inc.’s mission is to educate and motivate youth to make positive life choices while empowering men and women returning from incarceration to be productive members in society.

New Hanover County