Member Directory

Our Members are investing in themselves today for a stronger future tomorrow. They've demonstrated their commitment to effective leadership, management, and collaboration by becoming Members. We invite your organization to participate in the Center, too. Use the search options below to find a Member organization.
NTEE Group:

Our purpose is to energize startup ecosystems and guide budding entrepreneurs, using customer-focused strategies to turn aspirations into tangible impacts—from concept to commerce, from Vision to Venture.
We aim to empower aspiring entrepreneurs with curated resources, effective mentorship programs, actionable curriculum, networking opportunities, and community support. We nurture an entrepreneurial mindset, sharpen relevant skills, and boost confidence to turn innovative ideas into flourishing businesses
Committed to:
• Foster entrepreneurial journeys that are sustainable and anchored in a "By Founders for Founders” approach
• Create an inclusive and nurturing environment, further reducing barriers to entrepreneurs' growth
• Continually assess and adopt regional, national, and global entrepreneurship best practices
• Encourage innovation, creativity, and collaboration

Forsyth County
NTEE Group:

To ensure that children, birth to five, will be prepared for success in school and in life.

Wake County
NTEE Group:

Wake Enterprises, Inc. (WE) is a private, nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide meaningful and innovative experiences to enhance the lives of the people we serve.

Welcome to Wake Enterprises, Inc. – Empowering Lives, Enriching Communities!

At Wake Enterprises, Inc., we are dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of individuals with disabilities in North Carolina. As a leading non-profit organization, we provide a wide range of services and support to help our participants achieve independence and meaningful inclusion within their communities.

Our person-centered approach ensures that each individual’s unique abilities and aspirations are at the core of our programs. Through vocational training, employment opportunities, and community integration initiatives, we foster personal growth, skill development, and self-confidence.

Join us on our journey of empowerment, as we continue to make a difference in the lives of individuals with disabilities and build a more inclusive and compassionate society. Discover how Wake Enterprises, Inc. is transforming lives and creating lasting positive change in North Carolina.

Wake County
NTEE Group:
Watauga Housing Council fulfills its mission through the following strategic objectives: ​ Explore new housing opportunities and solutions with stakeholders & evaluate desired outcomes Coordinate with community partners to identify and secure private, local, state, and federal funding and resources Seek, integrate, and disseminate continuous data from target communities within Watauga and act as an information hub Develop and maintain backbone support for long-term collective impact effort on housing Three committees were formed to conduct work: Community Outreach, Housing Solutions, and WHC Structure & Fiscal/Sustainability. Watauga Housing Council meets monthly, on the first Tuesday of every month from 3:30pm-5pm. All are welcome.
Watauga County

To provide visual art education to Rowan County through exhibitions, classes for children and adults, and outreach programs in the community.

Rowan County
"We Are Down Home (WDH) is a project to build a statewide organization of rural and small town communities that advocate for economic, gender, and racial justice. We will move North Carolina toward the values of dignity, safety, and inclusion through leadership development, strategic campaigning, multiracial movement building, and civic engagement that advances real reforms for rural communities. We are unique in our focus on building permanent, statewide organizing infrastructure in North Carolina’s rural places. Through our growing network of member-led, county- based chapters, we are engaged in year-round organizing. Our member-leaders, deeply rooted in their communities, are the heart and soul of We Are Down Home’s work. Our organizational mission includes a commitment to building multiracial and working-class member leadership, and our chapter culture inspires the deep and necessary commitment required to transform small towns and rural places. As we work to build We Are Down Home chapters across the state, we are mindful that the formation of a multiracial working class alliance is not inevitable, even given demographic trends toward greater diversity in North Carolina. By 2042, North Carolina will be a majority people of color state, but we can’t afford to wait through decades of policy-making that deepens the pain of black, brown, and white working people. Through our proactive organizing, WDH seeks to hasten a multi-racial movement of working people that spans the urban-rural divide and moves North Carolina toward racial, economic, and gender justice."
Guilford County
NTEE Group:

We Plant it Forward's mission is to preserve and restore the natural environment to bring harmony to all life. We seek to provide opportunities for community members to get their hands working by planting trees in your community and beyond, making rain barrels to start a home water conservation program, giving out tree seedlings. We seek to educate the children and adults about issues facing our environment, about wealth of information found in natures classroom and ways people improve their environmental footprint. Our programs primarily focus on trees, tree planting and tree giveaways. We also hold rain barrel workshops annually and maintain a breadth of environmental information on our website.

Wake County

To support activities and causes that benefit the greater Greensboro area.

Guilford County

Well of Mercy is a ministry of hospitality and healing sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas. It provides quiet sanctuary for adults seeking right relationship with self, others, God and creation. By offering spiritual companionship, emotional support, respectful acceptance and sacred space, it contributes to the rest and renewal of its guests.

Yadkin County
NTEE Group:

To enhance the quality of life of citizens of the Westend Community and the City of Durham through education, community development, health care, job training, and human enrichment, especially targeting youth and the elderly.

Durham County