North Carolina Native Plant Society
To promote enjoyment and conservation of native plants and their habitats through education, protection and propagation.
Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy
To preserve important natural, historic, and recreation lands for public use in the Southern Appalachian Mountain Region, and to assist landowners in determining conservation alternatives for their family lands.
Bald Head Island Conservancy
We Discover, Learn, Conserve, and Preserve
Toxic Free North Carolina
To engage North Carolina in initiatives that advance environmental health and justice by advocating for safe alternatives to harmful pesticides and chemicals.
Association for the Preservation of the Eno River Valley Inc.
To conserve and protect the natural, historical, and cultural resources of the Eno River basin.
Cape Fear Botanical Garden
To transform people's relationship with plants and the natural world. Founded in 1989, Cape Fear Botanical Garden is a natural beauty situated on an impressive 80 acres nestled between the Cape Fear River and Cross Creek two miles from downtown Fayetteville.
North Carolina Coastal Federation, Inc.
The North Carolina Coastal Federation empowers coastal residents and visitors from all walks of life to protect and restore the water quality and critically important natural habitats of the North Carolina coast.
Mainspring Conservation Trust
To conserve the waters, forests, farms and heritage of the Upper Little Tennessee and Hiwassee River Valleys.
Foothills Equestrian Nature Center Inc.
To provide facilities and focus for education, recreation, and preservation in nature studies and equestrian activities with the aim of enhancing these endeavors to enrich the quality of life.