K - Food, Agriculture & Nutrition


FOODiversity's mission: To lessen the burden of food insecurity for individuals with food allergy, celiac disease and food intolerances.

At the core of FOODiversity’s mission is providing a consistent and reliable supply of safe food.

FOODiversity prevents hunger and prevents medical emergencies by:
* Raising Awareness
* Providing Educational and Financial Support
* Increasing Access

Feeding The Carolinas

Engage, educate and unite to achieve food security for all in the Carolinas.

A collaboration of North and South Carolina's Feeding America Food Banks to build awareness of hunger and provide funds and food to help feed those in need.

Inter-Faith Food Shuttle

Inter-Faith Food Shuttle feeds our neighbors, teaches self-sufficiency, grows healthy foods, and cultivates innovative approaches to end hunger. We collaborate with partners across 7 counties of central North Carolina towards a shared vision of a hunger free community.

Our diverse array of programs equips food-insecure neighbors to provide healthy food for themselves; respect, autonomy, empowerment, and education are key to our “Feed-Teach-Grow” approach.