Federal level

2023 Public Policy Agenda for North Carolina's Nonprofit Sector

The North Carolina Center for Nonprofits takes positions on state and federal public policy issues that affect most or all 501(c)(3) nonprofits in North Carolina. The Center generally does not take positions on issues that affect only one field – such as arts or early childhood – unless the issue sets a precedent that could affect all nonprofits. The Center also generally does not take positions on local public policy issues unless these would set a precedent that could affect all North Carolina nonprofits.

Nonprofit Pandemic and Workforce Shortage Relief - 2022

On February 14, 2022, a broad coalition of national nonprofits sent a letter to President Biden and congressional leaders calling for “urgently needed pandemic and workforce shortage relief that will enable charitable organizations to fulfill their roles in our nation’s relief, recovery, and rebuilding.” The letter identifies nonprofit-specific policy solutions that would address three major challenges facing nonprofits:

Suggestions for Tax Provisions to Help Nonprofits Respond to Natural Disasters

On June 5, the Center met with staff for Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) and several other members of Congress from North Carolina and then submitted suggestions for four ways that Congress can provide tax assistance to help tax-exempt nonprofits more efficiently and effectively provide relief and recovery services after natural disasters.