To optimize the quality of life for those living in Guilford County by providing support and services for mental wellness.
NAMI Wake County provides support, education, and advocacy to individuals, families, and caregivers, living with mental health challenges, to lead better lives.
To help ensure that all individuals with Fabry disease are identified, diagnosed, and treated in time to avoid a diminished quality of life or life-threatening consequences, to provide assistance to individuals with Fabry disease and their families, to provide Fabry disease education and awareness, to promote continued data-gathering and research to improve treatment opportunities and to find a cure.
To find cures for MPS and related diseases; and to provide hope and support for affected individuals and their families through research, advocacy and awareness of these devastating disorders.
Natural Math Alliance places the maker approach at the center of its mathematics education philosophy. Our motto is “Math is what you make it.” We are a community of volunteer mathematicians of all ages, from toddlers to retirees, both professional and amateur. There are sixty-three major areas of mathematics identified in the International Mathematical Subject Classification. Most people never learn that most of these treasures exist; never get a chance to use mathematics for everyday applications, personal delight, and professional opportunities. We invite children to become ambassadors of advanced mathematics. We invite families and organizations to make advanced mathematics accessible to children in kind ways. If a five-year-old can make something of a math topic in an intellectually honest way, so can everyone. To make that happen, we research and develop tools for emotional, cognitive, and social support.
To provide a technological hub focused on music and digital arts, sound engineering and gaming for youth.
At the North Carolina Budget & Tax Center, we envision a state where every person can reach their full potential and achieve well-being through the support of trustworthy, anti-racist institutions and systems that we all participate in building. The NC Budget & Tax Center is a non-partisan organization that works to document fiscal and economic conditions in communities to support the work of people, organizations, and government to advance solutions to poverty and pursue racial equity. We offer the timely and accessible analysis you have come to expect along with an expanded emphasis on the trusting partnerships and inclusion of community expertise in our identification of the issues and solutions that we must prioritize to secure a better North Carolina.
To advocate for children.
NC Conservation Network supports, trains and coordinates diverse groups and directly advocates to achieve equitable and sustainable solutions for our environment.